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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Long overdue UPDATE!

Today is the second day of the third and final week of this detox.
I just moved out of where I'd been living in PA and I'm back in my hometown in VA now. That is why I haven't exactly been vigilant about updating my blog these last few days. My apologies.
Here's what you need to know:
I cheated yesterday (twice) because I let people take me out for "going away" meals. I ate french fries with ketchup at lunch. I ate a solid meal for dinner (but followed the elimination guidelines and didn’t eat the peppers in my Panang Curry). Shame on me, I know.
Apart from that set-back, I'd been doing some serious thinking about this detox business. I don't feel that it has made many radical positives changes in my life, as I was rather expecting. Remember that swollen tonsil I'd developed shortly after I started the diet? Well, it went away after a couple days of gargling warm saltwater at bedtime and using homeopathic silver daily. Get this: about a week later my other tonsil became swollen and sore! Again, it went away after a few days but I almost never have throat troubles in the course of my regular-dieting life. During the second week of this detox I started experiencing headaches. Every day it seemed like I would have a headache that started out dull and progressively got worse as the day carried on. Not cool.
I’m still breaking out.
I still have hideous under-eye circles, despite best efforts to sleep more.
In short, I could be happier about the outcome of this diet so far.
Here’s me being perfectly honest with myself (and you):
Do I feel very guilty for cheating yesterday? Nope. Not even a little bit, actually.
Why not? I’m not seeing the results I thought I would.
Do I regret trying this detox? No way. I’m very glad I tried it and I would still recommend it to others who are plagued by various ailments, and even those who feel their health is pretty A-okay.
My thinking at this point is that my regular diet was not such a crazy departure from the detox diet and that is why the results have been lacking a bit o’ lustre. Yes, I ate chocolate. But I also ate greens. Yes, I ate french fries. But I also enjoy cooking at home ten times better than eating out (especially fast food). You see where I’m going with this?
What it comes down to, as I see it, is being self-aware. Being conscientious about what your inner and outer environments consist of is hugely important to your overall health. Being able to notice action/reaction like, “Gee, I ate that Hot Pocket for lunch and now all my bodily functions are shutting down” is what dieting and eating for health is all about.
Now that I’ve given you some food for thought (har har) it’s time to go make my dinner drink!